Post by Diggy Diesel J Jim Bomb Lynch on May 3, 2015 21:03:52 GMT
I'll have to name my confessionals other stuff. Oh well.
Post by Austin on May 3, 2015 21:46:49 GMT
I demand a cool GIF.
Post by Diggy Diesel J Jim Bomb Lynch on May 4, 2015 2:06:49 GMT
Happy? Alright, sweet, immunity. This really came down to the wire, with Aras finding the I right before the 2nd clue got posted. This was an immunity I really wanted to win, because the dynamics on this tribe are awkward. I feel like Aras/Katie and Parv/So would both approach me to vote with them, and taking a definite stance when playing the middle can hurt. Crisis averted. On Ossa, Keith is supposed to go home, but Laura refuses to believe it. She kept asking me to "find idol" or "throw challange" because she's convinced she's the target. Okay? Excessive paranoia is a great way to get yourself out. It'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy, if she continues to freak out and panic about everything. Now I can kick back and rest easy, and just hope the merge is coming soon. OH, and Keith, please kick the wailing banshee's ass. Natalie getting sent home would be the happiest thing to happen in this game so far. It's like Satan has taken up residence on Redemption Island and continually feels the need to spew shit at us.
Post by Diggy Diesel J Jim Bomb Lynch on May 4, 2015 21:13:48 GMT
Apparently Ossa is a mess, just like every Tribal Council people attend. There's always some dramatic element that's popping up, and I'm sure it's fun to watch, but it sucks playing through. People are just constantly all over the place with their plans and ideas, and everyone's getting so emotionally charged over every vote. I am too, but not in the "Blow up atchu" way that Natalie and Parvati had or the terrified paranoia Laura, Katie, and Keith have. Liz and I are co-founders of the These People Are Awful, Inc. I'm so fed up with a lot of people. Interacting with Woo has actually given me a headache, Laura is yelling at me like a stereotypical Jewish mother, Keith's absurd and constant scheming went from stupidly funny to just plain stupid, Abi's blatantly obvious lying and obsession with Raspberry Snapple, and Vince and his unironic love of dank memes and his obsession with a children's show about magical fucking ponies have driven me up a wall. I feel like I'm a part of a government torture program, and the Viewer's Lounge is just where the scientists hang out to see my reaction to these people. I try so hard to retain my sanity while conversing with people, but there are so many people I just don't like. Sorry. Just a tad frustrated. In terms of actual gameplay stuff, Joe sent me some ominous, vague messages. It's a tad alarming, but nothing unexpected. Keith has probably had my name on his hit list because apparently I'm a threat. I haven't really done much, except get invited to a ton of alliances that don't exist anymore and tell people to chill.
Post by Austin on May 4, 2015 21:58:17 GMT
I can neither confirm nor deny this hypothesis, but I DID recently buy myself a nice, long, white, sterile coat.