Post by Liz Kim on May 4, 2015 19:10:58 GMT
I hate my tribe. SO. MUCH. Seriously.
Old Ossa has the numbers which is fine and dandy BUT Laura's on a power trip that she has no intention of getting back from anytime soon. She wants Pete out so bad for suggesting that Keith and Laura were targeting each other (when they were in fact targeting each other) but now all of a sudden, Keith and Laura are on the same page...this is stupid. They both want Pete out (the Lomand I have the best relationship with) and when I suggested taking out Vince or Joe? They all shot it down...last time I checked, I can easily swing over to old Lomand and vote out one of them so shouldn't they be doing what I want? Ugh. I swear. This is why we can't have nice things. At this point, the only people in this game I actively like are myself/Jim/Katie/Pete/Aras and I'm going to have to either vote out Pete or stab my old tribe in the back so...I'm not really too thrilled at either option.
Post by Liz Kim on May 4, 2015 21:19:06 GMT
I'm taking the game into my own hands, dammit. To hell with what Laura wants. I'm keeping Pete. Keith, bye. Not going to miss you.